
Новости  » Новости » "IT for better roads in Kyrgyzstan" hackathon

“IT for Better Roads in Kyrgyzstan” hackathon

On May 5 and 6, 2023, Bishkek will host the Hackathon “DT4CE” organized by Transparency International in partnership with the Kyrgyz State Technical University and supported by the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic.

The hackathon is organized within the framework of the project “Digital Technologies for Citizen Empowerment (DT4CE) in Kyrgyzstan” and the launch of a new electronic platform for improving road infrastructure in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The theme of the hackathon is “ICT for better roads in Kyrgyzstan”. 

The main goal is to empower civil society to improve road infrastructure through digital technologies.

Objective: To create a platform for citizens to interact with the government to improve road infrastructure in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Brief description of the issues:
Every year in the KR a list of road sections requiring repair works is compiled and relevant procurements are announced.
In the procurement documentation all road sections to be repaired are divided into lots.
At the end of the procurement, a contract is concluded for each lot (i.e. a contractor is identified who is ready to fulfill the contracted scope of work).
The goal is to provide citizens with an opportunity for interactive interaction with the state on a platform on the state of roads in the republic.
The task of the Hackathon is to create such a platform containing an interactive map of the republic's roads, including up-to-date information on the roads repaired and repaired over the last three years and road sections requiring repair work.

Expected Result:
A final tool in the form of an interactive platform reflecting a map of the condition of highways, bicycle paths and sidewalks with the possibility to compare them with the quality and service life declared by contractors and inform about problem areas
Solution format:
Software product prototype.
Visualization in the form of an interactive map.

Evaluation criteria for the final product or solution:
1. a working prototype that visualizes identified trends, patterns, problem areas, and recommendations for maintaining road facilities in usable condition;
2. utilization of open source data and development of an independent TI database reflecting the real state of affairs;
3. visualization and ease of use;
4. availability of both server part and desktop (for use through a web browser) and mobile applications (with placement on AppStore, Google Play);
5. personal cabinet.

Links to open data sources:
1. Public Procurement Portal (www.zakupki.gov.kg)
3. Data of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Additional information:
The use of other open data sources is welcome, as well as obtaining additional results in the form of formation (algorithms of formation) of high-quality datasets suitable for further use in research projects.
You can register for the Hackathon here
The Hackathon Regulations are available here 

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