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Transparency International Kyrgyzstan launches Informational Journal TSA.KG

Читать подрбнее...26.12.2024
Комментариев: 0

Transparency International Kyrgyzstan launches Informational Journal BILEM.KG

Читать подрбнее...18.12.2024
Комментариев: 0

The Transparency International Kyrgyzstan Launches JMD.KG Platform

Читать подрбнее...18.12.2024
Комментариев: 0

The Transparency International Kyrgyzstan Launches JOL.KG Platform

Читать подрбнее...18.12.2024
Комментариев: 0

Transparency International Kyrgyzstan held presentations at universities in honor of International Anti-Corruption Day
As part of the International Anti-Corruption Day, Transparency International Kyrgyzstan held presentations at the Law Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office and the International University of the Kyrgyz Republic. The aim of the events was to raise students' awareness of corruption issues, the importance of transparency in government structures and the role of civil society in the fight against corruption.

Читать подрбнее...12.12.2024
Комментариев: 0

Transparency International announces a call for grants
Transparency International announces a call for grants under the project “Digital Technologies for Civic Empowerment (DT4CE) in Kyrgyzstan”. This project is aimed at engaging citizens in interaction with the state and facilitating citizens' interaction with the state through the use of digital technologies. The project is funded by the European Union (EU) in partnership with the Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S) and Transparency International Kyrgyzstan.

Читать подрбнее...05.11.2024
Комментариев: 0

Corruption Perceptions Index 2023
Corruption Perceptions Index 2023: Kyrgyzstan scored 26 out of 100 and dropped one place in the ranking compared to last year.

Читать подрбнее...30.01.2024
Комментариев: 0

Tender for conducting analysis in the field of public procurement
Transparency International Kyrgyzstan announces a tender for an analysis that includes an inventory of procurement laws, identification of gaps in the legislative framework, analysis of the effectiveness of the complaints system, and development of recommendations for improving the public procurement system.

Читать подрбнее...11.12.2023
Комментариев: 0

Tender for the development of digital solutions based on the results of “IT for Better Public Procurement in Kyrgyzstan” hackathon
Transparency International Kyrgyzstan announces a tender for the development of digital solutions based on the results of “IT for Better Public Procurement in Kyrgyzstan” hackathon

Читать подрбнее...01.12.2023
Комментариев: 0

Tender for the development of digital solutions based on the results of "IT for the best laws in Kyrgyzstan" hackathon
Transparency International Kyrgyzstan announces a tender for the development of digital solutions based on the results of "IT for better laws in Kyrgyzstan" hackathon

Читать подрбнее...14.11.2023
Комментариев: 0

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