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Читать подрбнее...26.01.2023
Читать подрбнее...26.07.2021
Читать подрбнее...22.03.2021
Читать подрбнее...22.03.2021
The National Integrity System evaluates key ‘pillars’ in a country’s governance system, both in terms of their internal corruption risks and their contribution to fighting corruption in society at large.
Читать подрбнее...22.03.2021
The National Integrity System evaluates key ‘pillars’ in a country’s governance system, both in terms of their internal corruption risks and their contribution to fighting corruption in society at large.
Читать подрбнее...22.03.2021
The National Integrity System evaluates key ‘pillars’ in a country’s governance system, both in terms of their internal corruption risks and their contribution to fighting corruption in society at large.
Читать подрбнее...22.03.2021
Читать подрбнее...27.01.2021
Читать подрбнее...20.10.2020
Transparency International Kyrgyzstan conducted a study to assess the risks of corruption in mining awards. The study was carried in the frame of Transparency International's global Accountable Mining Program, using the organization's Mining Awards Corruption Risk Assessment (MACRA) methodology.
Читать подрбнее...24.09.2020