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Factsheet on the risks of corruption in mining awards: ACCESS TO INFORMATION

Transparency International Kyrgyzstan conducted a study to assess the risks of corruption in mining awards. The study was carried in the frame of Transparency International's global Accountable Mining Program, using the organization's Mining Awards Corruption Risk Assessment (MACRA) methodology.

Download the Factsheet 

Читать подрбнее...08.09.2020
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Factsheet on the risks of corruption in mining awards: CONTRADICTORY LEGISLATION

Transparency International Kyrgyzstan conducted a study to assess the risks of corruption in mining awards. The study was carried in the frame of Transparency International's global Accountable Mining Program, using the organization's Mining Awards Corruption Risk Assessment (MACRA) methodology.

Download the Factsheet 

Читать подрбнее...02.07.2020
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Presentation of the research results of mining awards corruption risks assessment

In connection with the completion of the research on assessing the risks of corruption in the licensing system for subsoil use by the Transparency International Kyrgyzstan, evaluation findings reviewed and recommendations made to mitigate identified risks with the participation of representatives of government authorities, business and associations. The event took place in the building of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use in compliance with sanitary regulations and quarantine restrictions.

Читать подрбнее...15.06.2020
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Transparency International Kyrgyzstan publishes a study on the assessment of corruption risks in the subsoil licensing system.

Transparency International Kyrgyzstan publishes a study on the assessment of corruption risks in the subsoil licensing system. The study was carried out as part of Transparency International's global Mining Accountability Program using the organization's Corruption Risk Assessment in Subsoil Rights Granting (MACRA) methodology.

Читать подрбнее...15.06.2020
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Within the framework of the project “Corridors of Power - Where Money Meets Politics in Kyrgyzstan”, Transparency International Kyrgyzstan conducted research to assess the legislature and political parties.

Читать подрбнее...15.04.2020
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Corruption Perception Index for 2019: Kyrgyzstan has improved by one score
Corruption Perception Index for 2019: Kyrgyzstan has improved by one score
Kyrgyzstan ranked 126th out of 180 places in the 2019 Corruption Perception Index (CPI 2019). Kyrgyzstan scored 30 out of 100 alongside Djibouti, Ukraine and Azerbaijan. It should be noted that the position of the places is not central to the rating, as the number of countries may increase or decrease, and the total score obtained is the main indicator in this rating.

Читать подрбнее...23.01.2020
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Corruption Perception Index for 2018
Corruption Perception Index for 2018

For the second consecutive year, Kyrgyzstan scored 29 points in the CPI, i.e. its position in the index remained stable, and the change in position (in 2017 - 135) is due to changes in other countries and the inclusion or exclusion of some countries from the index.

Читать подрбнее...29.01.2019
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Corruption Perceptions Index for 2017: Kyrgyzstan moved up one.
Corruption Perceptions Index for 2017: Kyrgyzstan moved up one.

Corruption Perceptions Index: Transparency International’s general report for 2018 (CPI 2018) ranks the Kyrgyz Republic 135th out of 180 countries. Kyrgyzstan received a score of 29 out of 100 alongside Russia, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Laos, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.

Compared to the results of the Index for 2016, the situation of the Kyrgyz Republic has changed a bit: it received one score higher, and changed its position on ranking list (from 136th to 135th).

Читать подрбнее...21.02.2018
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Training sessions were held in Issyk - Kul and Naryn oblasts in September and October 2016.
Training sessions were held in Issyk - Kul and Naryn oblasts in September and October 2016.
Transparency International - Kyrgyzstan in the frame of the project “Development Pact II: Accountability tool in the hands of the local communities" funded by UNDEF, conducted trainings on "Internet Learning Platform on Development Pact".

Читать подрбнее...07.10.2016
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Development Pacts II: An accountability tool in the hands of local communities in Kyrgyzstan
Transparency International Kyrgyzstan has launched the project “Development Pacts II: An accountability tool in the hands of local communities in Kyrgyzstan” supported by UNDEF. 

Читать подрбнее...17.05.2016
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